目前分類:2011 Australia (75)

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Today is my first day driving in Tasmania. In order not to find the parking space around the YH, I bring all my luggages and two packages of ingredients walking toward the office of Europcar. Unfortunately, it's raining now and the way to the office is the ascent. It's not a good start of the driving trip.

Because the driving direction in Australia is opposite to the direction in my country, the car is also a little different. First, the rain brush and headlight control is on your left, and the direction light control is on your right. Of course, the dirver's seat is on the right side, not the left. Except for these differences, there is nothing special to the car in my country.

I check the car very carefully to make sure that I won't make any mistake as driving on the road. In fact, I have to say that I don't like to drive in the area I'm not familar. Even I've walked around the Hobart city yesterday, I'm still a little nervious when I drive. Therefore, it's recommended that rentint a GPS with your car. It's not so easy to park anywhere for watching the road map, especially you travel alone.

My route today is heading for Richmod as my first stop, and then I will drive toward Port Arthur via Sorell. The total distance is about 120 km that is good for a new starter. However, the itinerary is changed as I saw the information on the plane yesterday. Besides, the price of the accommodations in Port Arthur is not cheap. Thus, I plan to stay at Tribunna or Swansea after visiting Port Arthur. If possible, I want to find the ferry information for Maria Island. For this change, the total distance becomes about 170 km.

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At the night before flying to Tasmania, I didn't sleep well. The main reason is I didn't put all my luggages in the lockers but in the room.

"Trust and Safty" is an important issue when you travel alone in a strange country.

Could you trust anyone you meet at the first time? Yes, or No? That is not an easy choice.

Therefore, I'm a little nervous when I sleep with all my luggages in the room just for saving some money. I've spent too much on resotring my luggages.

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Although I've made an itinerary for the journey in Australia, I would change the attractions I will go just according to the information I collected somewhere. That's why I love to travel alone. If I don't like shopping, I don't have waste my time and go anywhere as I wish.

Featherdale Wildlife Park is such a case that is not included in my itinerary until I saw some articles which recommend this place before I came to Australia. Otherwise, maybe I will go to Taronga Zoo where is close to Sydney downtown.

Actually, in my first plan, I seems to miss the zoo until my colleague reminds me to watch the Koala and Kangaroo.

Why do I forget this? I think that is due to Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary in Brisbane which is my first choice for visiting the zoo. However, I skip Brisbane for the time and season issue, so I also forget to find another zoo. 

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Six o'clock in the early morning, the sky is still dark and there is an hour before the sunrise.

I walk to the Echo Point for the second time to watch the sunrise of Three Sisters.

Sunrise or sunset is not only a moment in a day, but a serial of time. Thus, you have to wait and watch the slight differences of the light and shadow. So I stay at the Echo Point for at least thirty minutes.

But I have to say that, the sun and the Tree Sisters are at the same direction in the morning, so it's not a good time to take a good photo of the Three Sisters. The sunset of Three Sisters is much better than the sunrise.

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Blue Mountains, is an attraction tourists will visit as they travel in Sydney. There are also some day tours that depature from Sydney in the early morning and come back in the late night, but I don't like to join such tours unless I could not handle the transportation such as the tour of great ocean road in Melbourne.

Therefore, I arrange one and half days staying at Katoomba and come back to Sydney in the early evening or night on the second day. I think I could look around here freely, and maybe have a long walk with many beautiful scenes.

In the very early morning today, I store my luggages in the Sydney hostel and go with my backpack and camara bag. Because I'm not familiar with the oubound train, I stay at the wrong platform until 10 minutes before the departure time.

At 6:30, the train to Katoomba departs from the 12th platform.

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Sydney, my first stop in Ausltralia. The weather here is not so cold as I think.

Maybe I look like a middle-age man or I already have ETA and some stamps from other countries, I only wait for my luggage for a while, and then pass the gates without too much inquiring and inspecting. Just like the Heathrow airport of London, you could take the train from the Sydney airport directly to the city center.

The design of the train is interesting. It's a two levels cabin with some seats in the middle level connecting the upper level and lower level in front and back of the cabin. So, the train could carry more people but also prvide the conveninece for the elders and the disables.

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~ Prolog ~

I always forget the feeling of travelling as I keep living quite boringly in my city too long.

The time I finished one travel in a country is also the time for preparing the next trip.

I would like to spend a lot time to prepare everying well just one month before I departure or earlier.

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Grayline 在八點半左右回到了墨爾本市區,我的旅行也宣告進入尾聲



我緊張的在不知道是哪一號站牌的情況下下了電車,幸虧這裡離 YHA 並沒有很遠

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今天早上五點,我終於正常的準時起床,因為不想弄東弄西的,從自動販賣機買了一包 m & m 巧克力,以及一杯熱巧克力,早餐就這麼暫時解決了

經歷過昨天的事件,我已經相當清楚是 Grayline 的車子會來接我,沒什麼意外的,我順利的搭上了車,準備前往 Mt. Buller


記得二年前在紐西蘭旅行的時候,有部份的高山地區就有雪,蒂卡波湖的湖邊也有雪景,然後還在 Cardrona 學了一天的滑雪

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不過早上最早的班機也要等到十點之後,在離開之前,我有相當充裕的時間能走到 Uluru Lookout 的小山丘頂

仔仔細細的再看 Uluru 及 Kata Tjuta 一遍,好好的向他們告別

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一大清早,我們又是在天未亮之前就整裝出發,幸好 Swag 已經睡得很習慣,而 Ayers Rock 的露營地也沒之前的冷




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Wanyu Ulurunya tatintja wiyangku wantima | Ulurula tatintjaku tjinguru nguluringanyi

Please don’t climb Uluru | The Uluru climb can be dangerous

請不要攀登烏魯魯 | 攀登烏魯魯是危險的

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早上五點,我拎著大包小包的行李箱、登山包、相機包及腳架,先「自動」Check Out 完畢,再利用剩餘的時間稍為吃了點昨晚的義大利麵


約六點左右,The Rock Tour 的車子到了 YHA 之前,有不少的背包客都在門口前等待著接他們的車子

Alice Spring 就像是個短暫的遊客集中場所,在天未明的清晨匆忙的前往其他地方旅行

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 德國村 Hahndorf




第一個是 Barossa Valley,此地是以酒莊聞名,位於阿德雷得東北方;Barrossa 的名稱是 William Light 上校為了紀念英國在西班牙的巴羅莎戰役打贏了法國而以此命名

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七點左右,眾人陸陸續續的起床,在更換自己床上的被單及枕頭套的同時,Bob 已經準備好了早餐


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於是我也選擇了跟妳相同的 Surf and Sun 來跑行程



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我回想起在雪梨的氣溫,沒有冷到需要穿 Goretex 外套,阿德雷得想必也是如此吧

然而,凌晨四點的 Hobart 居然是零下 2 度,只穿著長袖實在擋不住陣陣而來的寒風


比對了一下地圖,應該是位於阿德雷得市區東北方的 Hope Valley Reservoir

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