The Arctic Ocean seems to be calm. Even the ship sailed for a night, I didn't feel the motion at all.
Even though, I still took a pill to prevent the sickness.
It still reminds of the sailing from Puerto Natalies to Puerto Montt in Chile.
Because the ferry sailed into the Pacific Ocean, the motion was quite terrible that the plate on the table moved automatically.
Of course, I got a serious motion sickness that day.
In the morning, the scenery is completely different from the scene around Longyearbyen.
The mountains are still covered with snow.
Our continental breakfast includes yogurt, lettuce, sussage, egg, hash browns and etc, with juice and coffee.
If you don't control yourself, maybe you'll get fat just as the polar bear :)
The itinerary is announced everyday according to the condition, such as finding a bear.
Listening to the morning brief, the crew introduces the landing and related regulations.
For example, the landing on the schedule might be cancelled if the fog decreases the visibility for secure landing.
If the staffs find animals, they will broadcast right away even in the lecture time.
In order to take photos of animal anytime, I bring my cameras all the times with me and I spend most of the time in the Discovery Lounge that is next to the deck.
Except for waiting for the animals, the lectures arranged by the crews are also good.
The team are professional including naturalist, historian, ornithologist (bird expert), photographer and etc.
Before the lunch, we have the lecture 'An Introduction to the Wildlife of Svalbard' with Frank.
In the afternoon, the weather is cloudy without fog.
Magdelenefjord is the place for our first landing.
As for the kayakers, they also enjoy their first arctic kayaking.
Though I could not kayak in the Arctic Ocean, I would prefer photographing with the landing.
That is my main purpose and favorite.
The guests are devided into two groups: Polar Bear and Beluga.
No doubt, I choose the Polar Bear.
No matter which group you choose, you won't miss any activity including the landing.
It's just the order for landing so that there won't be too many people staying in the hot mudroom, and the order will be exchanged after every landing.
Wearing the boots and the live vest, I'm waiting for landing Magdelenefjord by the zodiac.
Before the previous zodiac leaves the shore, we sail around for a while and see common eiders.
The surrounding of Magdelenefjord is very beautiful. Snow covers everywhere.
Even in Iceland and Greenland, I didn't see such a snowy world in summer.
Snow mounatins, the glacier, the arctic ocean and the heavy snow on the ground....
If there is a polar bear, it would be great as well.
I feel quite happy while walking on the snow.
You could walk freely, enjoy the arctic scenery or listen to the background of the ruin here.
Magdelenefjord is one of the well known fjords of Svalbard and usually accessible year-round.
Though this place is manless, it's a excellent location for whalers in the past.
While enjoying the beautiful scenery on the shore, I find the arcitc tern breeding its chick.
At this moment, I forget to catch the breeding moment for a great photo until I see other's photos as we are back to the ship.
I don't know....Maybe I just think that my camera is not good enough for such a great photo.
The 500mm lens is almost 5 times the price of my 100-400mm lens.
However, I notice an important thing for the wildlife photographing: Patience.
The best photo is always taken by the patient photographer waiting for the best moment.
By the way, you will need the tripod, if you really want to do so :)
Before I walk back to the zodiac, there is a lovely ringed seal swimming nearbvy the shore.
This cute guy seems to land as well but is afriad of the red aliens, us.
It's said that we are really lucky to see the seal in such a short distance.
If you have the guts, the great thing you could do in the arctic is to rush into the arctic ocean.
Some of the guests really try the polar plunge.
The water temperature is about 3.5 degree.... Well, I don't want to take off my clothes at all.
Watching their faces, I have already known the feeling of sinking into the cold water.
I board the zodiac again for watching walrus found by the staffs.
The schedule is always flexible in this way according to the animals.
Of course, everyone is surprised by these gaint guys.
A number of curious young males in the water come to investigate us and kayakers.
If you are lucky enough, you may get a photo of the walrus's face.
As for the rest of walrus, they are all dreaming on the beach with random funny actions.
Except for walrus, there are also a big group of Little Auk on the mountainside.
The little auk, as its name, is really small in size, and I could not get a clear image of them even I try to enlarge the photo.
I'm sorry that you have to search for their detailed pictures on the internet.
The little auk breeds on islands in the high Arctic with large colonies.
Although we don't find any bear in the first day, it's still great to see great scenery, the lovely ringed seal, walrus and many birds here.
The expedition continues northwards to the ice. I hope that we could meet the bear soon.
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