目前分類:Languages (37)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Emotion 情感

Mood 心情, 情緒

Nervous 緊張的

Afraid (of) 害怕的

Scared 恐懼的;吃驚的

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Emergency 緊急情況

Rob 搶劫

Steal 偷

Harass 騷擾

Pickpocket 扒手

Fred 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Take a temperature 量體溫

___(數字)___ degree Celsius _______ 度C (攝氐)

I’m suffering from indigestion. 我因為消化不良而覺得不舒服

Could you make up this prescription? 可以按這個處方配藥給我嗎?

Please dispense the prescription. 請按這個處方配藥

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It is prone to rain today. 今天傾向會下雨

Weather 天氣

Weather Forecast 天氣預測

Temperature 氣溫

Sun 太陽

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Creature 生物(泛指有生命的)

Animal 動物

Horse 馬

Sheep 羊

Polar Bear 北極熊

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Is there any more space for this tour? 這個行程還有名額嗎?

When can we be admitted? 我們什麼時候可以進入?

What special events are going now? 現在有什麼特別的活動在進行嗎?

Buy tickets One week from now. 買一星期後的票

Apply lotion to your body, or you’ll get sun burns. 身體要先擦乳液(防曬乳液),不然你會被曬傷

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Attraction 景點

Scene / Scenery 風景

Spot 場所;景點

Hot Spot 熱門景點

Historic Spot 歷史景點,如古蹟等

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Please Check your bag here. 請將你的包包寄放在此

Have you been attended to? (店員問) 有沒有人招呼你?

 Are you being attended to? (店員問) 你現在是不是已有人招呼?

Can somebody help me? 有人可以幫我嗎?

I’m looking for ___(物品)____. 我在找 _________

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Clothes 衣服

Coat 外套

  Goretex Coat

Fishing Vest 釣魚背心

Zip Up 拉上拉鍊

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Personal Belongings 個人攜帶物品

Cell phone / Mobile phone 手機

Battery 電池

Lithium Battery 鋰電池

 Ni-Cd Battery 鎳鉻電池(可充電)

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 I would like to book a table for six for 7 o'clock tonight. 我想預約今晚七點六人的桌位

I have a reservation for 4. I am Mr Yang. It is for 8pm. 我已預約了四人的位子,名字是 Yang,八點的.

I have two guests coming. Please take them to my table. Thank you. 我還有二位朋友會來,請帶他們到我的位子,謝謝.

I’d like to postpone my reservation for half an hour. 我想把預定的時間延後半小時.

May I have some water / tea? 可以給我水 / 茶?

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Do you have any room available? 請問還有房間嗎?

We have reserved a room for ___(數字)___ nights. My name is __(姓名)____. 

  我們已經預約一間房間共 ____ 晚,名字是 ______

I need more blankets / towels / drinking water. 我需要 毛毯 / 浴巾 / 飲用水.

The Air-Conditioner in my room is not working properly. 我房間的空調故障了.

Fred 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Excuse me, can you please give me the direction to__(地點)___? 對不起,請問你知道○○○要往哪個方向走嗎?

Which is the direction for ______? (意思同上一句)

How do I get to ______? 我要如何前往○○○

Is there a ______ around here? 或 Is there ______ nearby? 請問這附近有○○○嗎?

  EX: Is there a supermarket around here? 請問這附近有超級市場嗎?

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Q: How many people will be travelling with you? 有多少人同行?

A: There will be three of us = Three total. 我們有三個人 = 總共三人

Q: How late? 會延誤多久?

A: It’ll be about one hour late. 大概會晚一小時

Leave The Return Date Open. 回程日期不預定

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※ 換外幣、換零錢 ※

Could you give me change for this bill? (換外幣) 你可以幫我兌換這筆錢嗎?

Do you have change for this bill? 你可以幫我換零錢嗎?

Could you give me (數量) (面額)? / I would like (數量) (面額).

  EX: Could you give me 10 one hundred and 4 one thousand? 換 10 張 100元, 4 張 1000元

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※ 撥打電話 ※

Hello, is this __________? 你好,請問是某某公司(人)嗎?

  EX: Hello, is this Glacier Jeep? 你好,請問是Glacier Jeep(公司)嗎?

 This is ______ speaking. 我是某某

  EX: This is Fred speaking.

Fred 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

※ 常用的句型或對話 ※

 I expect to ______ 我期待、我希望

  EX:I expect to drive by myself 我希望可以自己開車

 I would like to know / inquiry ______ 我想知道(問)

  EX: I would like to know about the flights to Iceland. 我想知道關於前往冰島的班機

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