維珍及捷星的票價比澳航的便宜,而其中維珍的班機較多一些;至於澳航,雖然票價比前二者貴一些,不過經由 Melbourne 往塔斯馬尼亞的班機也很多。
除了航空之外,在 Melbourne 可以搭渡輪 Spirit of Tasmania (http://www.spiritoftasmania.com.au/) 前往塔斯,但是目的地是 Devonport,行程規劃上要留意。
二、Hobart 機場到市區
由 Hobart 機場到市中心,如果不租車,那麼就是要搭 Redline 的機場巴士 (時間表PDF)
三、Lauceston 機場到市區
朗賽斯頓機場 (http://www.launcestonairport.com.au/shuttle) 只告知有機場往市區的接駁巴士,但時間表不明,而如果要從市區搭車到機場,可以詢問旅社,或自行打電話去聯繫。
1. RedLine: http://www.tasredline.com.au/
Hobart 往 Ross, Lauceston, Mole Creek, Devonport, Burnie, Stanley
Hobart 往 Lauceston, Devonport 及 Lauceston 往 St. Helens
2. Tassielink: http://www.tassielink.com.au/
West Coast: 經 Lake St. Clair, Cradle Mountains (黃線)
Hobart 往 Lauceston, Devonport (綠線)
Campania Richmod: Hobart (Brisbane Street Terminal) 往 Richmond (藍線)
East Coast: Hobart 往 Swansea, Bicheno, St. Helens (紫藍線)
Tasmania Penisula: 往 Sorell, Port Arthur (紫線)
四、Hobart 市區交通
Hobart 有公車,網站雖名為 Metro: http://www.metrotas.com.au/,但其實就是公車。
1. Bus 51 ~ 55:到 Sandy Bay (也可以從市區步行前往)
2. Bus 57,58:到 Mount Nelson
3. X1, X3, X8, X9:到 Glenochy (轉車用)
4. Bus 126:從 Glenochy 到 Brighton Jubilee Ave (離 Bonorong Wildlife Park 最近的下車地點)
以下是搭公車前往 Bonorong Wildlife Park 的詳細解說:
1. (Hobart) Franklin Square 的 Stop F 搭 Bus X1, X3, X8 或 X9 到 Glenochy (時間表1, 時間表2)
2. Glenorchy 的 Stop C 搭 Bus 126 到 Brighton Jubilee Ave下車,最後再步行約 20 分鐘
PS: 若要前往 Mt. Wellington,除了自行開車,只能參加當地的旅遊行程,例如:Experience Tasmania 有下午約二個小時的行程可參加。
租車的選擇分別有:Europcar, Hertz, Autirent Hertz, Avis, Budget 及當地才有的租車公司。
例如:Damage Liability Fee (DLF) 是指出車禍意外時的賠償費用
Rental Terms & Conditions (租車條款)
Europcar 算是全球性的大間的租車公司,在租車時就可以很明確的選擇保險類型,但相較於其他公司,租車費用會多一些。
保險類型 | 說明 |
Super Peace of mind cover (SPOM) |
Our premium cover, which reduces your DLF liability to nil 可以免除賠償金的最高等級保險 |
Peace of mind (POM) |
Your DLF is reduced to the amount shown in the Rental Agreement and it includes WWI. 意外賠償金減低至租車合約中所聲明的額度,此保險有包含 WWI (第四種類型的保險) >>> 所以要問清楚究竟是多少錢 |
Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) |
Your DLF is reduced to the amount shown in the Rental Agreement but it does not include WWI. 意外賠償金減低至租車合約中所聲明的額度,但不包含 WWI 的部份 |
Windscreen, Headlights and Tyre Puncture (WWI) |
There is cover for windscreen and headlight damage and tyre punctures but no reduction in your DLF and no cover for wheel damage, tyre damage, such as spiking or slashing, or damage to side and rear windows. 只有擋風玻璃、車燈的損壞及爆胎的保險,並不能減少車禍意外的賠償費 另外車輪(鋼圈)的損傷、非意外性的輪胎損傷(意思是人為或有意的),以及側邊與後方的汽車玻璃,並不包含在保險範圍內。 |
除了上述四種保險選擇,如果冬季會在雪地地區開車,另外還有 Snow Cover 的費用,可參考以下原文:
Snow cover means the additional cover that allows the Vehicle to be driven in areas above the snow line. The snow line is defined as the gates leading to any of the national parks or snowfields in Australia between 1 June and 31 October, or any area where it is indicated or required that show chains are to be fitted to the vehicle. Snow cover protects the customer on the full replacement value of the vehicle in the event of an accident. In addition to the snow cover, you may also purchase the SPOM or POM to protect yourself when driving on sealed roads.
當汽車有可能會行駛在有雪的道路、雪地或任何需要上雪鍊的地方,Snow Cover 可保障你發生狀況時可以換車
最後它還建議會行駛在砂石路段的車子要有 SPOM 或 POM 的保障。
If a customer is 21 or 22 years of age in Australia or 21 in New Zealand, the Damage Liability Fee can not be reduced.
如果你是 21 或 22 歲的駕駛,不管哪一種保險都不能減少你的意外賠償費。
2. Autirent Hertz: http://www.autorent.com.au/
Autirent Hertz 是 Hertz 在 Tasmania 專設的分公司
租車時只有依里程需求提供了四種方案:Fully Flexible, Internet Special, Limited Kilometres 及 Low Kilometres
Strictly subject to our acceptance of a valid completion of a Hertz Cash Qualification Form and your ability to comply with the terms and conditions of our rental agreement. If we accept you as a cash renter and provided you accept one of the options to reduce your liability, then we'll take an extra $500 over and above the estimated rental cost. If you decline all options to reduce your liability, then we'll take the estimated cost of the rental plus the liability amount that is applicable to your rental rate code.
For example, if your estimated rental cost is $250 and you decline to accept liability reduction options, and the liability amount on your rental is $3,300.00, then we'll need $3,550.00 in cash at the start of the rental. (Our major competitors do not accept cash as a method of payment for vehicle rental. We do, subject strictly to the terms set out above).
Your liability of $3300.00 can be reduced at the start of the rental -
- to $400.00 by payment of an extra $160.84 (including tyre and windscreen damage buyout); or
- to $0 by payment of $206.84 (including tyre and windscreen damage buyout).
如果你有選擇租車時加保險,會有額外的 500 AUD (或以上) 作為意外時的賠償費
舉例來說,假設你的租車費用是 205 AUD,而你沒有加任何保險,依規定,意外賠償費是 3300 AUD,所以共要付 3550 AUD
但是你可以支付 160.84 AUD 把賠償費的額度降到 400 AUD,這包含輪胎及擋風玻璃的賠償
也可以支付 206.84 AUD 把賠償費降至 0,同樣也包含輪胎及擋風玻璃的賠償
總結來說,建議要保險啦,沒保險的情況下如果出意外,賠償金是很嚇人的。3300 AUD 約等於新台幣十萬元。
此外,還有一些費用是不含在合約內的,包含第三方的物品或損壞賠償及超過 3300 AUD 的汽車損傷:
Rates include Third Party Property Cover, Third Party Injury Liability Cover and cover against vehicle loss/damage above $3300.00.
所以你也要留意,如果你是跟別台汽車發生事故而責任在你,你也有可能會被對方的租車公司索取費用。而如果你發生了很嚴重的事故,造成修車費用超過 3300 AUD,那麼即使有保險也不能全身而退。
再繼續留意條款中關於錢的部份,底下這段可發現驚人的數字 9900,這段內容的意思是除了汽車本身故障之外,如果在砂石路段發生意外或造成汽車損壞、遺失,賠償費將有可能高達 9900 AUD。而過度嚴重的損壞,不管是在什麼路段,金額也將可能高達 9900 AUD。當然這 9900 AUD 是指賠償金的最高上限,如果再回去參考之前的內容作個整理。
(1) 3300 AUD 額度內的損壞,可依保險降為 400 AUD (付 160.84 AUD 的保險費) 或 0 AUD (付 206.84 AUD 的保險費),如果你用現金付款,有保險的先付 500 AUD,沒保險的先付 3300 AUD;信用卡付款則是先收租車及保險費,若沒保險又發生意外,事後再收 3300 AUD
(2) 如果超過了 3300 AUD 的額度,則視實際修車的費用來索取賠償費,保險就無用了,這個賠償費的額度最高會到 9900 AUD (大概可以買半台車)
Regardless of fault, if there's an accident, damage or loss on unsealed roads, your liability will be up to a maximum of $9900.00. Overhead Damage (see General Terms and Conditions) - regardless of fault, you're liable up to a maximum of $9900.00, whether on sealed or unsealed roads. For example, if the liability has been reduced to $0, then a maximum liability of $9900.00 for loss/damage/accidents on unsealed roads, or overhead damage on sealed or unsealed roads, will remain.
Maximum Cover (MAX) including PKG
If you as Renter initial the MAX "Accept" box while entering into the Rental Agreement and pay the optional extra charge, we will reduce the amount of your liability for vehicle loss/damage/recovery/towage to $0. The tyre and windscreen damage buyout is included in MAX only for standard passenger vehicles and commercials, not trucks.
事故賠償金為 0,包含輪胎及擋風玻璃
You'll remain responsible for the cost of replacing lost vehicle keys and remote door opening devices or recovering keys locked in your vehicle (and for any towage involved as a result of keys being lost or inaccessible). This extra cost can range from $165 to $1100 (incl GST) depending on the vehicle type, and this extra cost will remain.
然而像是車鑰匙或遙控鎖的遺失或反鎖在車內,以及連帶的拖吊費,這些額外的費用會從 165 AUD 到 1100 AUD 不等,視你的汽車類型而定,這些費用就不包含在保險範圍內
There's a higher liability on unsealed roads and for overhead damage.
如果在砂石路段發生意外,或有過度嚴重的損壞,則會有更高額的賠償費 (以下內容與前面所講的是一樣的,恐怖的 9900 AUD)
Unsealed Roads: Regardless of fault, your liability will be up to a maximum of $9900 if there's any damage or loss on an unsealed road.
Overhead Damage (See General Terms and Conditions): Regardless of fault, you're liable up to a maximum of $9900 whether the overhead damage is incurred on a sealed, or on unsealed roads. Your liability for overhead damage on damage on unsealed roads remains, even if you have reduced your sealed road liability to $0.
This includes any tyre, windscreen or headlight damage and any other internal or external damage not attributable to fair wear and tear, such as returning the vehicle in an abnormally dirty condition (including hair, odour and other evidence of animals).
Underbody and water damage:Underbody and damage caused by water immersion are not covered by insurance and remain your responsibility.
Tyre damage:A damaged tyre requiring replacement will be charged pro rata to the measured tread; e.g. a tyre with 75% remaining tread would be charged at 75% of the new tyre price. If you buy a replacement tyre, its type, make and rating must match the existing tyres.
Hertz 的本公司對於租車條款的說明與 Autirent Hertz 有些不同
Please inquire at the counter for details on Loss Damage Waiver (LDW), Liability Insurance Supplement (LIS), Personal Accident Insurance/Personal Effects Coverage (PAI/PEC)
When you rent a vehicle from Hertz, you are responsible for returning that vehicle to Hertz in the same condition it was in at the start of the rental, with the exception of fair wear and tear.
If you return the vehicle in a damaged state, generally speaking, you will be liable for the cost of repair of the damage (plus the cost of repairing damage to any other vehicle or property with which the rental vehicle collided) up to the amount of the Accident Damages Excess (ADE), which is a maximum of AUD $3300.00 (inclusive of GST).
If you return a Prestige or Fun vehicle in a damaged state, generally speaking, you will be liable for the cost of repair of the damage (plus the cost of repairing damage to any other vehicle or property with which the rental vehicle collided) up to the amount of the Accident Damages Excess (ADE), which is a maximum of AUD $5500.00 (inclusive of GST).
Where it appears to Hertz that the cost of repairing the damage (plus the cost of repairing damage to any other vehicle or property with which the rental vehicle collided) may approach or exceed the amount of the ADE, Hertz will charge your credit, charge or debit card with the full amount of the ADE. If it later transpires that the actual cost of repairs are less than the ADE, Hertz will promptly credit the difference to your card.
以上內容簡單來說,一般情形下的損壞,賠償金最多是 3300 AUD,而某些特定的汽車類型 (Pretige / Fun, 往下方再看就知道) 則是 5500 AUD。如果修理費超過額度,就是以額度上限收費,如果修理費並沒有超過或達到額度,則以實際費用來收取。
條文中另有一條關於單獨的汽車意外,也就是不是與他人的車子擦撞,例如你自己去撞到東西、撞路燈、撞牆之類的,除了賠償費,還會另收 2200 AUD,除非你有在租車時買全額保險 (Max Cover):
If the rental vehicle is damaged in a Single Vehicle Accident (an accident not involving a collision between the rental vehicle and another vehicle, other than a parked vehicle), you are liable for the cost of repair up to the amount of the ADE plus AUD $2200 (inclusive of GST). This currently applies to all vehicles at all locations and can be waived with the purchase of Maximum Cover at participating locations.
要額外留意的是,這些賠償條款在塔斯馬尼亞的某些情形下是不適用的 ,在砂石路段發生意外,賠償費額度有可能高達 9900 AUD (此點就與 Autirent Hertz 一樣了)
Renter Protection Services
You may purchase optional Renter Protection Services to reduce the amount you are potentially liable to pay for and damage to the rental vehicle or any damage to any other vehicle or property with which the rental vehicle collided. You should be aware that in some circumstances, you may be fully responsible and liable for loss or damage even where you have accepted one of the Renter Protection Services.
These Renter Protection Services options are as follows:
Rates for optional items are exclusive of tax and other associated charges, such as Location Fee (charged at selected Airport and downtown locations. Please see Location Fee under Qualifications and Requirements) and Admin Recovery (Please see Fees and Surcharges under Qualifications and Requirements).
1. Maximum Cover (MAX) 全額保險
(1) Reduces Accident Damages Excess to zero ($0.00). 可將意外損壞費用降至0
(2) Tyre & Windscreen cover. 包含輪胎及擋風玻璃
(3) Single Vehicle Accident Excess buy out. 包含單獨車輛的意外
(4) Capped at 10 days per 30 day rental period. 每30天的租約期中可涵蓋10天(發生意外的天數)
(5) Available at participating locations. 可在租車地點購買
Available for Prestige Collection (Groups C5, E5, P5, S5) and Fun Collection (Groups A5, I5).
2. Accident Excess Reduction (AER) 可減少車禍意外賠償額度的保險
(1) Reduces Accident Damages Excess to AUD $400.00 inc GST (Economy, Compact, Intermediate, Standard, Full-size) or $600.00 inc. GST (Premium, People Mover).
Not available for Prestige Collection (Groups C5, E5, P5, S5) and Fun Collection (Groups A5, I5).
Economy, Compact, Intermediate, Standard, Full-size 類型的車子賠償費可降至 400 AUD,而 Premium, People Mover 類型的車子則是 600 AUD
Prestige Collection 及 Fun Collection 不適用,只能夠保全額保險,不保險的話,賠償費如前面所提的是 5500 AUD。
比較細部一些的資訊,像是輪胎及擋風玻璃的損壞,全額保險是 0 AUD,AER 則是 400 AUD 或 600 AUD
Where MAX is purchased the ADE for damage to tyres and/or windscreen of the rental vehicle is reduced to zero. Where AER is purchased the ADE for damage to tyres and/or windscreen of the rental vehicle is $400.00 incl. GST (Economy, Compact, Intermediate, Standard, Full-size) or $600.00 inc. GST (Premium, People Mover).
The renter is liable for full or reduced excess should the vehicle be stolen. If an optional service is accepted then a reduced excess applies subject to terms and conditions.
Single Vehicle Accident 單獨的車輛事故 (前面提過了)
If the rental vehicle is damaged in a Single Vehicle Accident (an accident not involving a collision between the rental vehicle and another vehicle, other that a parked vehicle), you are liable for the cost of repair up to the amount of the ADE plus AUD$2,200 (inclusive of GST). This currently applies to all vehicles at all locations and can be waived by the purchase of Maximum cover at participating locations.
Water Damage 泡水造成的損壞, 也是再加 2200 AUD 或額外條款規定的金額
Your liability to Hertz for Damages resulting from water damage (other than by total or partial immersion) is limited to the amount of the ADE PLUS AUD$2,200 (inclusive of GST) or such other amount in addition to the ADE as is specified in the Additional Terms.
Personal Injuries 個人傷害,車子撞傷別人會依各州的規定不同而要負擔任何,保險不包含在內
The liability of any Authorised Driver of a rental vehicle for causing personal injuries to other persons resulting from use of the rental vehicle is covered by the statutory schemes relating to transport accident compensation in each State and Territory of Australia (subject to the conditions and limitations of those schemes). For details of the scope, conditions and limitations of this coverage, you should contact the relevant authority in the State or Territory in which the vehicle you rent is registered.