Take a temperature 量體溫
___(數字)___ degree Celsius _______ 度C (攝氐)
I’m suffering from indigestion. 我因為消化不良而覺得不舒服
Could you make up this prescription? 可以按這個處方配藥給我嗎?
Please dispense the prescription. 請按這個處方配藥
What is the correct dosage of the medicine? 這個藥的正確用量是多少?
Could you provide me with a medical receipt to claim the medical charges ? 你可以給我就醫證明去申請醫療費用嗎?
Health 健康
Hospital 醫院
Clinic 診所
Medical Store / Pharmacy / Chemist 藥店
Pharmacist 藥劑師
Dentist 牙醫
Ambulance 救護車
Appointment 預約
Outpatient Appointment 門診予約
Prescription 處方
Remedy 治療;治療法
Pill 藥丸;藥片
Capsule 膠囊
Over-the-counter medicine 成藥
Anodyne / Pain-killer / Aspirin 止痛藥
Endure (the pain) 忍住(痛楚)
Medicine for Colds 感冒藥
Stomach Pill 胃藥
Fever 發燒
Flu 感冒
Cough 咳嗽
Sore Throat 喉嚨痛
Itchy Throat 喉嚨癢
Running Nose 流鼻水
Stuffed Nose 鼻塞
Sneeze (v.) 噴嚏
Phlegm 痰
Decongestant 化痰的藥, 化淤
Seasickness 生病
Carsickness / Motion Sickness 暈車
Jet Lag 有時差
Head-ache 頭痛
Migraine 偏頭痛
Feel Dizzy 暈眩
Fatigue (n.) 疲勞
Diarrhea 腹瀉
Indigestion 消化不良
Heartburn 胃灼熱
Upset Stomach 胃不適
Stomachache 胃痛
Chest Tightness 胸悶
Drumming in the ears 耳嗚
Get Dehydrated 脫水
Throw up / Puke / Vomit 嘔吐
Feel Nauseous 令人作嘔;令人厭惡
Feel Numb 麻(木)
Gout 痛風
Asthma 氣喘
I Got Cramps On My Legs. 我的腿抽筋
Head 頭
Eyes 眼睛
Nose 鼻子
Ear 耳朵
Mouth 嘴巴
Tongue 舌頭
Tooth 牙齒
Throat 喉嚨
Shoulder 肩膀
Back 背部
Arm 手臂
Hand 手
Breast (女性) 胸
Chest 胸膛
Heart 心臟
Lung 肺
Stomach 胃
Belly 腹部
Navel 肚臍
Waist 腰
Hip 屁股
Leg 腿
Knee 膝蓋
Foot 腳
Ankle 腳踝
Toe 腳趾
Toenail 腳趾甲
Wound 傷口
Bruise 瘀青
Blemish 傷疤
Stitch 縫合; 針線
EX: I have 20 stitches 我被鏠了20針
Scratch 擦傷
Twist 扭傷
EX: He suffers a twist of his hand 他的手扭傷了
Fracture 骨折
Plaster Cast 石膏
Collision 碰撞
Sting 螫
EX: A Bee stung me 一隻蜜蜂螫了我
Swell Up 腫起來
EX: His ankle begins to swell up 他的腳踝腫起來
Irritate 發炎
EX: Skin gets irritated 皮膚發炎
Cellulites 蜂窩性組織炎
Alleviate 減輕; 緩和
Sterilize 消毒
Anesthetic Injection 麻醉注射
Side Effect 副作用
Complication 併發症
Infection 感染
Drug Allergy 藥物過敏
Pollen Allergy 花粉過敏
Dispense (v.) 配藥
Dosage 劑量
Bandage 繃帶
Band-Aid 護創膠布(醫療用的膠布)