※ 換外幣、換零錢 ※
Could you give me change for this bill? (換外幣) 你可以幫我兌換這筆錢嗎?
Do you have change for this bill? 你可以幫我換零錢嗎?
Could you give me (數量) (面額)? / I would like (數量) (面額).
EX: Could you give me 10 one hundred and 4 one thousand? 換 10 張 100元, 4 張 1000元
I would like to change this $100 into ones and fives. 我想把這 100 元紙紗換成 1元和 5 元的硬幣
I would like to buy ________ worth of Traveler’s Checks. 我想買 ______ 元的旅遊支票
What about the exchange rate between A and B. 請問 A貨幣跟 B貨幣的兌率是多少?
※ 付款 ※
Do you accept credit card? 你收信用卡嗎?
How do you charge for ______ Per Person / Minute? 請問每個人(每分鐘)如何收費?
Please charge it to my Master Card. / Master Card, please. 用我的信用卡付款
The charge will be made to your credit card. 這筆款項將會用你的信用卡繳付
I would like to pay in cash. 我要付現金
_______ is beyond my budget. 這個已超過我的預算
What is the payment term? 付款條款(相關規定)有哪些?
You still have a balance of __A___ dollars after deduction on the deposit of ___B___ dollars. 扣除 B 元的訂金,你還要付 A 元的尾款
Currency 貨幣
Currency Exchange 貨幣兌換
Change 零錢
Fare / Admission / Fee 費用
Invoice / Receipt 發票;收據
Cheap 便宜的
Expensive 昂貴的
Afford 能夠負擔的
EX: I can afford to pay the admission.
Dollar 元
Cents 分(1/100元)
Pound 磅
Pence (Penny的複數型) / Penny 便士 (1/100磅)
Krona 克朗
※ 金額的念法
例如: 7.5 元等於是 7元 + 50分,通常會念成 seven fifty cents,有時候甚至只念成 seven fifty.
遇到比較複雜的或怕對方不易理解的才會用 xxxx dollars and xxxx cents.
Cash 現金
Banknote 紙紗
Coin 硬幣
Cash Machine / ATM 提款機
Make A Cash Withdrawal 現金提領
Credit Card 信用卡
Prepaid Card 預付卡
PIN Code 信用卡密碼 (Personal Identification Number)
Credit Card Slip 信用卡帳單
Traveler’s Check 旅遊支票
American Express (AE) 美國運通
Bank Transfer or Wire Transfer 轉帳
Bill 帳單
Settle the bill 付帳
Pay / Payment 付費
Refund 退費
Surcharge 額外費用
Deposit 訂金 (存款 n. / 寄存 v.)
Due balance 尾款
Deduction (n.) 扣除
Debit 借款方
Debit Card 提款卡
Debit Note 欠款單
Installment 分期付款
EX: To Pay In Six Installments 分六期付款
Interest Rate 利率
Down Payment 頭期款